BirdWeb: Birds Connect Seattle's Guide to the Birds of Washington State

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feathers Birds Accounts of Washington's bird species with images, maps, and sounds.
map Birding Sites and Ecoregions Washington's ecoregions and favorite birding sites in each.

Learn More About:

wing Species of Special Concern Washington bird species listed by state and federal agencies and by Audubon.
binoculars Birding Resources Birding organizations and events in Washington and other useful references.

  Bird of the Week  

Bird of the week image

Surf Scoter

Melanitta perspicillata

A scan of the Puget Sound shoreline in winter will often yield a flock of Surf Scoters. This duck winters primarily on salt water, where it uses its broad bill to feed on crustaceans and mollusks. Surf Scoters breed on freshwater ponds in the boreal forest, where their diet switches more to aquatic insect larvae.

  Birding Site of the Week  

Birding Site of the week image

Mima Mounds

Puget Trough

The Mima Mounds Preserve is a National Natural Landmark, and highlights a unique geological feature: approximately 370 acres of mounded prairie. This grassland is native glacial outwash prairie, a globally rare community. Well developed interpretive trails allow easy access to the prairie and adjacent coniferous and mixed deciduous-coniferous forests.

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birders with binoculars

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Birds Connect Seattle